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Sawing machine in the operation of the tips

Source:Release Time:2017-11-02 09:32:16Click Rate:

On the general band sawing machine, due to changes in pressure, hydraulic oil temperature changes and the solenoid valve and relay hysteresis affect the accuracy of sawing feed, the feeding accuracy is poor, the consistency of bulk feeding is not good In...


   On the general band sawing machine, due to changes in pressure, hydraulic oil temperature changes and the solenoid valve and relay hysteresis affect the accuracy of sawing feed, the feeding accuracy is poor, the consistency of bulk feeding is not good. In addition, the general change in the band sawing machine cutting length, because the need to adjust the feed length gauge, the operation is also cumbersome.
    Because of the information of sawing, the difference of sawing performance, the best one can adjust the speed of saw blade and sawing speed in real time. For example, when the saw blade twists and turns to a certain valve value of the system, the system reduces the speed adaptive or closed feed. This requires the original general sawing machine to make major changes in the foundation, such as: change the original hydraulic unit, adding a saw blade winding monitor. In the original general sawing machine installed grating for azimuth measurement, the original hydraulic system unchanged. Control system design of software security features, including silos, storage for retrieval, sawing classification, sawing twists and turns monitoring, data compression, sawing speed, sawing feed rate adaptive control. In order to be satisfied with the original hydraulic system without changing the system requirements, the system added according to the general electromagnetic valve orientation control module. Now you will transform the band saw it, the trust must be very simple.

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